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During the period 2021-27, the San Telmo Art School has benefited from seven KA 103 projects under the Erasmus+
mobility programme, which have contributed significantly to the modernisation and internationalisation of our centre.
Mainly through mobility of study abroad, mobility of internships abroad and mobility of teaching and training teachers.
Partners we usually have in other countries, as well as the students who are studying abroad or who are hosted in our
school, they generate a dynamic of learning and synergies of collaboration and coexistence that multiply our possibilities
as a centre of reference in the province of Malaga, with a strong presence in the artistic panorama of our city.
The modernization strategy of our centre for the new phase 2021-2027 starts with the maintenance of the bilateral
agreements that we have consolidated with other educational centres under the modality KA1, to consolidate some
partners who we are currently negotiating agreements in both the KA1 and KA2 modes and establishing new agreements
with study centres and companies related to the profile of our students. A heterogeneous students whose varied profiles
we wish to respond. From the School of Art of San Telmo we bet on the professionalization of the Plastic Arts, Design
and Image not only through the already established Higher Studies of Design but also promoting the different branches in
the Higher Training Cycles, courses of shorter duration and more focused on other levels of technical training.
The goals we set ourselves to contribute to the unstoppable modernization of our school within an educational framework
and European context are:
From the point of view of students’ academic training, the goals are:
– To promote the knowledge and educational and cultural exchange between participants from different countries.
– Allowing students of Art and Design to benefit educationally, linguistically and culturally from the experience of learning
in other countries.
– Appreciate intercultural communication. Learn and / or improve the use of language and customs differents from ours.
– Learning the extent that is given to the means of expression and artistic in every different country.
From the point of view of the practical training of students, the objectives are:
– Expand and deepen the competences and skills acquired during the process of higher education.
– Achieve that the students get used to the requirements of EU-wide labor market and different business practices.
– Contribute to the creation of a community of young professionals and future well-qualified, open-minded and
international experience.
– Helping to modernize the professional profile of future artists and designers of our environment, and other countries.
From the point of view of teacher education and our administrative staff, the goals are:
– Allowing beneficiaries to learn by transfer of knowledge or skills and acquire practical skills.
– Allowing students who can not participate in a mobility program can benefit from the knowledge and experience of
academic staff of higher education institutions in other countries.
– Allowing the administrative staff to learn from the experiences and best practices of educational institutions and
companies and improve the skills required for their current job.
– Disseminating our participation through the website to inform and encourage participation in transnational cooperation
– Promoting the exchange of expertise and experience on pedagogical methods.

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